Milk processing equipment
Дозироващи и опаковъчни машини
Labeling machines
Dynamic control scales and metal detectors
Waffle production lines
Production lines for ketchup, mayonnaise and sauces
Olive oil production lines
Production lines for fermented products
Machines and installations for the production of ice cream
Second-hand machines
Additional equipment
Design and complete engineering
Service and maintenance
Cow farms
Thermoforming buckets, boxes and violas
Syringe boxes and buckets
Aluminum caps and foils for packaging
Flexible & rigid foils and envelopes
Капсули, пликове и етикети за алкохолни и безалкохолни напитки
Aseptic cardboard foils and caps for them
Bottle caps and PET preforms
Clay dishes
Shrink plum bottle labels
Raw materials and ingredients
Starter crops for the dairy industry "MYSTARTER"
Milk culture medium for yeast cultivation
Yeast for cheese and yellow cheese
Natural preservatives
Enzymatically modified cheeses and oils
Stabilizers for dairy products
Emulsifying salts
Auxiliary raw materials
Stabilizing and emulsifying systems for ice cream
Mixtures based on milk proteins
Natural and naturally identical fragrances
Natural dyes
Laboratory equipment
About us
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